Tuesday 10 March 2015

Mars One/Space X Duna Mission Phase 2/3

Phase 2

Next up in the mission plan is the launch and interplanetary transit of a cargo ship carrying consumables for the crew's use on Duna's surface.

I've opted to create this phase of the mission with a SpaceX Dragon Cargo Ship with a full suite of SuperDraco thrusters for a powered descent to the colony site on Duna's surface, and the Lander Trunk for additional supplies, fuel and cargo space.
SpaceX Dragon Cargo filled with TACLife Support containers of Water, Food and Oxygen.

To ensure we had enough DeltaV for the transit to Duna, I opted for a Falcon Heavy configuration for this mission.  That's three Falcon9 first stages in asparagus staging (fuel pumps feed the center stage from the outer stages, ensuring they consume their fuel and are jettisoned first.)
Liftoff of the Harmony Mission to deliver life support supplies to Duna Orbit in preparation for the arrival of the first Kerbin crew.

KSC, We have a problem! 

Upon separation of the two outer main stages, the starboard booster suffered an RUD (Rapid Unexpected Deconstruction) event upon separation.  The Engine compartment holding the 9 engines exploded in the exhaust from the center stage, which luckily escaped damage.
The rest of the boost was nominal and the Dragon Cargo ship and Falcon Upper Stage were successfully placed in a 665km parking orbit to await the next Duna transfer window.

KSC, We have a problem!  The starboard booster suffered RUD (Rapid, Unexpected Deconstruction) upon activation of the stage separators.  The Engine compartment actually exploded in the exhaust of the main engine.  Luckily no damage resulted and the center stage completed it's burn as normal and inserted the Cargo ship into a 665km circular orbit to await the next Duna transfer window.

Phase 3

Construction of the 500 day Deep Space Habitat vehicle for taking the crew to, and returning them from Duna.

First launch is the Cryogenic Propulsion Stage.  It includes a 2.5 meter berthing mechanism to connect the Habitat, reaction control systems, communications antennas and solar arrays with integrated thermal radiators.
Deep Space Habitat Proplusion Module on orbit.
 The second major component to be added is the MPLM/Habitat Module, which includes the foward docking trunk with solar and communications arrays and the docking ports for the MMSEV Excursiion Vehicles.
Habitat and MPLM1.  The two large tanks are water tanks.  The DHS is equipped with two oxygen generators that will create oxygen for the crew by splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen (waste).  The water tanks have the added benefit of adding additional radiation shielding for the crew.
In this bow view, and the following shot you can also see one of the new procedures I use for my craft that are built in orbit.  I pre-place KAS (Kerbal Attachment System) Strut Connectors around the docking ports I intend to use.  This makes it much simpler for a Kerbal to do a spacewalk and connect the struts.
Closeup of the Common Berthing Mechanism at the bow, where the Logistics and MLM Module will be docked.  You can see the two Water -> O2 oxygen generators here.  The two side ports are where the MultiMission Science Exploration Vehicles will be docked.

Berthing Ports between Propulsion and Habitat sections.  Note the Strut Connectors on the girders, a Kerbal will do a spacewalk and connect them to provide additional strength to the docking connection.
Assembly and Launch of the forward Logistics/MPLM Module, Cupola and Airlock.  The airlock module is temporarily berthed to the aft berthing mechanism because it was too large to fit inside the fairing in it's final position.  It will be repositioned prior to docking the module to the Deep Space Habitat.  The Airlock has three KAS equipment carriers attached, they include Extended EVA Packs, Structural Struts and Fuel Line connectors.
The forward Logistics/MPLM Compartment, Cupola and Airlock.  For launch the Airlock has been temporarily berthed to the aft docking adapter because it was too large to fit into the fairing.  It will be moved to the correct port opposite the Cupola before docking this section to the Deep Space Habitat.

Forward Logistics Module ready for Launch.

Lift Off.  Center Engine has throttled back due to maximum drag.  Main Engine will throttle back up at booster separation.
Delivery of the MMSEV (Multi-Mission Space Exploration Vehicle).
The MMSEV's are designed to allow a kerbalnaut to operate for up to two weeks in a shirt sleeves environment doing work outside of the vessel. The crew cabin and main body are shared with the Rover, replacing the flight pack with ground propulsion systems.
Delivering 2 MMSEV Excursion Modules to the Deep Space Habitat.  They will be docked on the port and starboard side of the docking collar.

Docking the first MMSEV to the Port side docking port.  It has 2 Jr. Size Docking Ports on either side, and a standard size docking port at the aft end, for moving around parts during construction.
Forward Logistics Module rendezvous maneuvers.  The MMSEV will be used to move the Airlock form the Launch Configuration on the Aft Port to the Zenith Port opposite the Cupola.

MMSEV Alpha moves in to position to reorient the Airlock before assembly

MMSEV Alpha moving the Airlock to the Zenith Port on the Logistics Module (opposite the Cupola)

Logistics Module being maneuvered into position.
 I retracted the forward solar arrays during this docking maneuver, to reduce the chance they would be damaged during docking.
Docking of the Logistics Module to the Deep Space Habitat.

Success, the upper stage is now backing away, after transfering fuel to the Deep Space Habitat and will burn up on reentry, it's job complete.

Once the Logistics Module was docked to the Deep Space Habitat I realized that I had a small problem.  The MMSEV's are just a bit too large to fit into the gap between the Habitat and the Logistics modules, on the docking collar.  I'm going to need to do a slight redesign and launch new versions.  Fortunately the Spaceplane that brought them up is still on orbit, so I'll just use it to return them to KSC and bring up new versions with extenders on the port/starboard docking ports, which will give them sufficient clearance that they don't bump into the Logistics Module when docked.

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