Friday 6 March 2015

Mars One/SpaceX Duna Colony Mission

Duna Colonization - Phase 1

The first vehicle to be launched to Duna was the rover 'Discovery', designed to scout the selected site of the colony to find a sufficiently flat location to safely land the habitat modules.

Pre-dawn launch of the Mission to deliver the Discovery rover to the surface of Duna.

Discovery Rover in aeroshell beginning de-orbit burn.

Discovery rover descending to Duna's surface protected by the aeroshell.

Drogue Chute's deployed to facilitate the separation of the Discovery Rover from the protective aeroshell

Discovery Rover descending to Duna's surface safely.

The Colony, built with Umbra Space Industries OKS/MKS Modular Kolonization System was attached to a rigid sky-crane frame in orbit, and consisted of a Colony Control Center, Kerbaltat, Airponics Module, Power Module and Biolab.  The Airponics Module includes 2 inflatable airponics bays, and the Kerbitat includes two inflatable habitation modules.

Colony Core descending via skycrane to the site selected by the Discovery Rover.
After the colony was safely landed, the Skycrane detached and flew off, to crash in a nearby crater.
Connecting Kerbaltubes, airponics bays and habitats deployed remotely.  The colony awaits the arrival of the Crew.

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